Blessed Equinox and Libra Season
Welcome to Libra season, a season of restoring balance, beauty and connectivity.
Libra Season Sept 22-October 22 ~ Libra embodies the archetype of the peacemaker, artist, lover, and diplomat. Libra is a cardinal air sign, restoring balance and equality through right relationships. Traditionally, the symbolism for Libra stands for “The quest to create and glorify wondrous works of art through atonement to the intricate patterns of the universe.” - Kelly Lee Phipps.

Relationships come into focus as we prepare for the next phase of eclipse season approcaching on October 2, 2024. Libra is a Venus ruled sign, emphasizing values, social connection, and dynamics of all kinds that dance between stiff, sour and graceful kinetics. Libra naturally seeks to harmonize, unless the scales are too far tipped, a justice crusader emerges who fights for her worth. Venus moves into Scorpio’s temple today, casting a magnetic, yet pervasive tone for the entirety of Libra season and the final New Moon Eclipse of 2024. In Scorpio, Venus denotes a full range of human emotion and invites us to reflect upon the death and rebirth cycles in our lives. As the light fades in the northern hemisphere, the leaves display their most stunning colors as they fall. The reverse is true in the southern parts of our world, as flowers bloom, new growth emerges. The days become longer, a redistribution of energy.
Venus in Scorpio gains strength and enriched by embracing vulnerability, which typically follows an honest confrontation with one's shadow self. This process of shadow work is intricate and involves uncovering unconscious influences and motivations that often lie at the core of recurring behavioral patterns. Scorpio is known for its depth and intensity- it represents the aspect of ourselves that undergoes significant transformations to facilitate profound growth. Scorpio rules a part of everyone's chart, presenting a formidable challenge for everyone. This challenge may manifest as losing a job that provided a sense of security, ending a long-term relationship that triggers feelings of abandonment or rejection, or realizing the need to address our attachment styles to cultivate a healthier connection with life. Libra reminds us that relationships extend beyond human interactions, highlighting our interconnectedness with all things.
We do our deepest work in relationships. Libra serves as a choice point in our journey and can present us with certain people that offer profound circumstances for us to transform, often through opposing forces to facilitate healing. Contrast is essential for personal growth and self-discovery. When Venus is in Scorpio, the heart often opens up following experiences of loss, pain, or grief. Many relationships will benefit tremendously from this eclipse passage, the support of Scorpio motivates us to confront and change dynamics that keep us from experiencing the love we truly desire. The scales will shift whichever way is necessary for growth, healing and restoring balance. And no, I am not a doom and gloom astrologer, more of a realist, believing the deepest emotions are portals to alchemical healing and gold.
Eclipses reveal and uncover new layers which can range from subtle nuances to intense experiences depending on your sun moon, and rising signs. New Moon Eclipses carry the energy of pure potential encapsulated in the seed of a new beginning. Eclipses are never to be feared, they are catalyzing “check in points” that serve our soul's path and evolution- accelerating the path you’re already on, or throwing a curve ball to truly see a blind spot in your direction.
Astro tip * look to the Libra part of your chart, this is the area of life experience you are bringing balance to in your world.
1st house - sense of self + identity
2nd house- money, resources, self worth
3rd house- mind, knowledge, communication style, immediate environment
4th house- home, family, roots, ancestors
5th house- self expression, children, romance, pleasure
6th house- health, daily routines, work, skill set
7th house- relationships, ally's, contracts, marriage
8th house- intimacy, desires, psyche, shared resources
9th house- higher education, travel. wisdom, expansion
10th house- life calling, career, outer world, reputation, status
11th house- community, goals, friends, service to humanity
12th house- solitude, connection to the divine, subconscious and dream realm
My books are open if you feel called to book an astrology reading with me. I am offering 20% off to honor the need for more guidance to navigate the terrain of Eclipse season. Use code ECLIPSE for 20% off. Thank you for your continued love and support!
I am wishing you a restorative Libra Season~
all my love,