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New Moon in Taurus

Taurus embodies the heart of spring, all the new ideas that sprouted in Aries season are beginning to take root. New moons signify a time of centering our consciousness as the sun and moon unify under fertile darkness.

Taurus knows her worth and appreciates the blessings of comfort and tranquility. Her feet are on solid ground, divinely guided by her senses. With a pragmatic approach, she beautifies with purpose, honoring herself in all phases and stages of life~ never hurrying her creations. This moon at 3 degrees conjuncts Uranus, empowering us to break away from the old with confidence, knowing that we shape our future through patiently nurturing our planted seeds. Energies have been especially heightened over the past week, and this passage bestows stabilizing vibrations as we ground into Gaia’s new rhythm. Saturn in Aquarius forms a square to this lunation, bringing up temporary feelings of frustration. Relief is found through innovation of the new by focusing on what you can control ~ your energy and perception. This gateway answers to Venus in Gemini, reminding us that we all have artistic gifts, a voice & a message to share. Ask yourself what creative birth desires expression through you?

Taurus is the master builder and Saturn’s influence creates the impetus to make small, practical steps forward, laying the brick n mortar foundation for new earth. We all inhabit an inner empress, she is the ultimate mother who yearns for you to take personal responsibility around nurturing and cultivating your dreams. Don’t contract your light due to external circumstances. Instead of making your happiness contingent upon future events, you can decide to be happy now. Self acceptance allows you to tap into your deepest well of resources. Creativity and intuition sprout from the same seed, and when you focus on the process instead of the end result, the physical, tangible results you crave effortlessly form in abundance. Through the ever changing circumstances of Uranus in Taurus, we manifest the power of quiet persistence, conserve energy as needed, and find the sweet balance between comfort and challenge. You’re being asked to weave beauty into your everyday life and begin where there is to begin.

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Dayna created Anami Therapy as her creative outlet that allows her to fully connect with her clients, mind - body - and soul. 
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