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Solar Return Reading

a birthday gift to you!

1 h 15 min
144 US dollars
Online Over Zoom

Service Description

Best explored around your upcoming birthday, the Solar Return is a specific report curated based on when your sun or "sol" returns to the exact natal degree in which you were born. Calculating in the location point of where you will be celebrating your birthday creates a template of energies that that you will be working with intimately throughout your celestial year. In this session we will use the solar return chart as a map to prepare and guide you in ways to lovingly navigate your upcoming challenges, themes around growth, love, romance, emotional maturity, and self mastery. *This time is slightly different each year than your exact birth time, so dont be alarmed when you see that appear on the chart I generate for you.

Contact Details

+ (847)846-9016

Southern Oregon, OR, USA

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